


 Yes, the first thing I thought looking at Christopher Kane fall 2011 collection was they really look like seaweeds(no offence, they are perfectly good-looking seaweeds). 

first, the killer clutch

They totally look like what I used to play with back in kindergarten, which is pvc-filled with colourful liquid, but in much bigger size. Not like the pvc-liquid toys, they look super cool, if you hold one in your hand, you'll be the hippest kid in the town. Of course, you'll have to pay a way more to buy these clutches. You have to be careful when you're bragging about this clutch, because maybe some jealous kid next door could think you're an ass and prick it.

Now THESE are must have items when you're invited to a birthday party of 해녀. 

The dresses totally look like seaweed floating on the glittering ocean. And a little like jellyfish. So ocean-chic. Plus, they will kiss you when you give them this dress as a birthday present. 

the super seaweed-ish dress

This is the most seaweedish dress I've ever seen! The girl wearing this dress, would definitely be the queen of the town. 


 I would not recommend you to wear these dresses at the party, or even anywhere else in Jeju Island Because they could remind people of a bad eruption of a volcano. Totally look like magma floating all over. Maybe they'll kick you out of the party.

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